16 Foods And Drinks To Help You Alleviate Your Morning Sickness


Morning sickness is both a problem and a sign of pregnancy. No one knows why it occurs and how long it might go on during pregnancy. In most cases, it goes away after the first trimester. But for some women, there are no fixed time or the trimester they experience morning sickness. If you are feeling nauseous even at night or during the second trimester, you can go to an ultrasound baby scan clinic to check if everything is fine with your pregnancy. But some easy ways to alleviate your morning sickness is to eat and drink something. Here is a list of food and drinks that you can have to stop feeling nauseous.

Homemade Ginger Cookies

Homemade Ginger Cookies

Ginger is always good for settling your stomach. Take a few pieces of ginger and boil them with sugar and then make an ale out of it. It will help you in relieving morning sickness and fighting against nausea. But do remember, they tend to be packed with calories, so don’t take too much.



Lemonades are rich with Vitamin C and antioxidants and have very few calories. It can help in boosting iron absorption too.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea

If you like to drink tea, peppermint tea is a good option to relieve you form your morning sickness.

Watermelon Feta Salad

Watermelon Feta Salad

Salads are always good for the stomach as they are light. Ingredients like watermelon help prevent dehydration and fresh fruit can help settle your nerves. Along with that, feta cheese will give you the benefits of probiotics. You should use pasteurized grass-fed feta cheese to prevent bacterial infections.

Plain Water

Plain Water

Although obvious, this needs to be mentioned as staying dehydrated can increase your morning sickness. So, start your day by drinking a glass of water and drink enough water throughout the day.

Banana Oat Muffins

Banana Oat Muffins

Oats keeps you full for a long time which keeps down your morning sickness. Bananas are rich with potassium which is required during pregnancy. Eating these two in the form of the muffin will help you eat it easily.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea

Another type of tea that helps with morning sickness is Chamomile tea. It will help you relax and facilitates smooth digestion.

Potato Chips

Potato Chips

Well, who doesn’t like snacks? Plain potato chips are really good for keeping your morning sickness down.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry Juice

Easily available, if you are craving something sweet that will ease your feelings of sickness, then cranberry juice is definitely the answer.

Fortified Cereals

Fortified Cereals

While sugary cereals are a big no-no, fortified cereals don’t have any sugar in them. These are excellent for preventing you from feeling nauseous. They also have a lot of nutrients like Vitamin B which are good for health.

Peanut Butter Smoothie

Peanut Butter Smoothie

If you like peanut butter, then you will be happy to know that its smoothie can help a lot. It is loaded with healthy fats and Vitamin-B which will also keep you full for a long time.

Vegetable Stews and soups

Vegetable Stews and soups

If you are hungry and also want to get rid of morning sickness, this is a good option. Rich with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that improves your digestive system, broth or soup can make you feel better.

Oat Milk

Oat Milk

Oat milk is a good cure for morning sickness. Have a glass of chilled oat milk to feel refreshed throughout the day.



This is probably the very first thing most women grab when having a bout of nausea. It is basically a tasty and effective snack.

Orange Juice

Orange juice is not only good for morning sickness but also for acid reflux which is quite common in pregnant women.


Orange Juice

A toast is also a good and easy to make option to alleviate your morning sickness. You will get all the calories and carbs to cure it.

So, try out any of these foods or drinks every day in the morning to alleviate your nausea and morning sickness. Also, keep track of your baby’s health with the help of Reading ultrasound baby scan clinic.

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Ultrasound Baby Scanning Services Reading
Ultrasound Baby Scanning Services Reading

Written by Ultrasound Baby Scanning Services Reading

At Window to the Womb Reading, Berkshire, offer a range of diagnostic, private ultrasound scans for every stage of pregnancy. webiste: https://bit.ly/34SyaNy

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